Image from telegraph
As a girl I admit, I love fashion. Blame it on the genes and the hormones. I guess girls and fashion are just seamlessly connected gloriously. Whenever I go to the mall, I always make a point to visit boutiques and window shop. The urge to buy is really strong especially if they have new pieces available that suits my fancy. Yet, the operative word here is control, control and control.
When we talk about fashion, it can really be overwhelming. Not to mention the amount of money one would spend in order to build their dream wardrobe. If you are on a tight budget, this might not seem harmonious in your end. Even more, you might forget shopping altogether. However, you cannot deny that sooner or later there is that need to buy. In order not to waste your money in building your wardrobe, here are some tips that can help you get the most out of fashion with whatever budget possible.
Invest on Essentials
In fashion, there is this thing called “essentials”. These are pieces that can virtually be used and combined with just about anything. Plus, these items will never go out of season and will still look fashionable next year and the succeeding years. These are called timeless pieces that are crucial in having a well-balanced wardrobe. Having one or two would suffice. If you are slowly building your closet, give time to invest on the following:
• Blazer (I prefer black)
• White tee (Plain not printed)
• Jeans (That would last for a long time)
• LBD (little black dress)
• Skirt (Neutral)
• Jacket or Cardigan
• Work blouse
• Black heels or Nude heels
• Flats (Ballet flats)
• Sandals (Waterproof so it can be used in the beach or in the mall)
• Bag
Take Care of your Clothes
Most of the time, we buy a new piece since the former one can’t be used anymore because of the tear. That is why, I tend to hand wash all of my clothes since the washing machine can be cruel to the clothes’ textile. The key here is to make your clothes last longer so you would be saving a lot from buying items over and over again. Make sure to read the washing instructions of the item. Should you have a house help, orient them how to properly wash your clothes.
Budget on the Basics and supplement trends
Trends can be overwhelming. Remember how peplum tops were a hit last year? How about animal prints? Our favourite celebrities might be donning those pieces however that do not mean we also follow. Remember, pick only items that can be easily mix and match with your current wardrobe. When you shop, keep your closet in mind. When you are filled with the basics then you can supplement it with trends. Perhaps having one peplum top would suffice or one animal print or two.
Discern, Deduce and Decide
Whenever you go shopping, always think as to whether this item would be used extensively or would be collecting dust in your closet. How many items you bought during a sale that you ended up not using at all? What were the reasons why you didn’t use it? Buying something that you won’t end up using would be a waste of our money. With that, always decide if an item in the display would be something that you can use multiple times.
Look for Bargains
The next thing would be to look for bargains. Most of the time, malls would have their sales during payday or special mall events. Watch out for that. However, as previously stated do not just buy clothes because it is on sale. Remember the previous tips. Even more, there are other venues where you can buy great clothes at cheap prices.
We can still be fashionable without the need to break our bank accounts. Anyone can be fashionably frugal. Remember the tips stated above and for sure you can be able to have a workable wardrobe without the need to stash a big chunk from your pockets.
P.S. To those doing the 52 Week Money Challenge and 52 Week Money Challenge Version 2, it is Week 38 already! Did you deposit the next amount yet?
P.P.S Want to know more about investing, savings, stock market and more, check out my reference here. You can download free ebooks and resources too.