Image from etsystatic
Hurray for one week full of love and hearts. It is after all Valentine's Week. With that, let us have a quick recap on the posts that was posted! Here we go!
5 Financial Goals To Achieve Before Turning 30
Image from inexfinance
The first post for this week is dedicated on the five financial goals to achieve before turning 30. This is ideal especially for the young professionals or those who are still beginning their work life. These financial goals are suggestions on goals you might want to achieve. Then, you would be motivated to work harder on your end. And one thing is for sure, these financial goals are not hard at all. Find out what these goals are.
The Split Rule In Dating
Image from Men's Fitness
Since we were already counting how many days before Valentine's Day, a sweet post is mandatory. That is why on this post, I discussed about the split rule in dating. This tackles on how a couple must go through their finances during dating. I highly suggest splitting the bill between the two of you. True, men should be obligated to pay during dates however this would be futile to the man. As much as possible, every component of the relationship must be shared. And this includes the bill.
52 Week Money Challenge: Value The Centavo
Image from Sdumalay
I shared a little not so secret anymore as to how did I manage to save up as much as 1,000! I know that's not a big deal for most of you. Yet, that is one no sweat and little effort savings. Yes you just read that right. I simply accumulate those little centavos and save it up. And guess what, it yielded to that amount? You should try this too. Who knows, you might be able to save up that much and even more.
Millionaire at 25
Image from Noel Arellano's Linkedin
A little dose of inspiration on this week's post. Let me introduce you to Noel Arellano. At age 25 he was able to get his first millions. See being a millionaire before reaching 30 is not a far-fetched dream. Learn how he was able to get that. Even more, know how he works and how he manages his finances. Let us get inspired by his story.
Single? Don't Mumble
Image from Google Image
This is one unique post that is not financial related. Last Valentine's Day, I had a post dedicated to all singles and those who are still searching. Hence, if you are single, it would be best that you get to do the tips I have included in this post. You don't have to be sad or lonely because you don't have a partner. Check it out.
3 Financial Lessons We Can Learn From Michael Martinez
Image from Inquirer
I am certain you already know who this is right? Our very own Michael Martinez, our sole representative to the Sochi Winter Olympics. In spite of a very young age, we can in fact learn three financial lessons from him and his family. Want to know about it? Check out the post.
That sums up this week's post. Phew what a week that was. Looking forward to a brand new week filled with positive challenges on finances and relationships. Hope you will have one positive week ahead of you.
P.S. To those doing the 52 Week Money Challenge and 52 Week Money Challenge Version 2, it is Week 7 already! Did you deposit the next amount yet?
P.P.S Want to know more about investing, savings, stock market and more, check out my reference here. You can download free ebooks and resources too.