Kuripot Pinay’s Wedding Adventures: Saving For the Big Day

Image from littlepinkbook

We already got a date and thank God we still have more time to prepare. A year to be exact. We both know how expensive a wedding would cost us, that’s why as early as now we prepare and save for the big day.

Couples who are on the verge of getting married sure know the cost of a wedding. We want to have a church wedding and of course a reception right after. Well you can say we are traditional. As such, there are still no specifics yet on the nitty-gritty things with regards to the wedding however one thing is for sure; it entails cost. That is why as early as now; we decided to save up for the big day. Even more, we want not to incur debt in the process of our wedding preparations.
So how do we go about with saving? Here are our steps.


We have more than a year to save up for the big day and basically that is half of our timeline already. A date is very important so you can be able to gauge how long you both will be saving for the wedding. The longer the better. Yet, I know there are some couples out there who would want a shorter engagement. Just make sure that you will still have time to prepare and save up.


We really don’t know how much a wedding would cost right now. According to my readings, 200,000 would do. I’ve heard some friends who spent less than that and more than that. Considering the details and expenses, we both agreed to come up with 200,000. That would be our target amount. From there, we commit to save up 10,000 each every month for 12 months. That would be 20,000 a month and for 12 months we expect to get 240,000. That amount would serve as our wedding fund.  We are hoping to lessen the expenses as we proceed with the details so that we can be able to save a lot in the process. And who knows, we might still have some money left from our wedding fund after.


The wedding fund would not be realized if we will not commit to save. I am glad that my partner is eager to save up with me. More so, he is doing the 52 Week Money Challenge and he will be putting the money he saved for our wedding and our marriage. And that is something truly admirable.

Since I am still not in my panic state with regards to planning and everything, might as well lay the financial groundwork of the big day. With that said, I know we might be cringing on our future expenses together to give way to more savings. But hey I’m not complaining.

P.S. My very first e-book is finally here. You can buy it using the Buy Now button at the right or via bank deposit. Only Php 150.00. Purchase your copy now.

P.P.S To those doing the 52 Week Money Challenge, it is Week 6 already! Did you deposit the next amount yet?

P.P.P.S Want to know more about investing, savings, stock market and more, check out my reference here. You can download free ebooks and resources too. 

P.P.P.P.S I am also sharing my stock market secrets and information via these resources