How to Travel Cheaply with Your Family

Traveling is undoubtedly one of the best ways to educate yourself about other people’s culture and a good way to bond with your family.

But let’s face it, traveling costs money.

Making A Good Fund

Image from dumblittleman

In this day of financial literacy, we are always tasked to build up our emergency fund, wedding fund and more. And I must say, if you have one big money goal, it would be best to create the appropriate fund for it. However, it seems there is something lacking in the aspect of it. Little did we know that those funds we perceive are funds for ourselves and for our family. While that is not a bad thing I tell you, but I guess it would be right to extend our money circle to benefit not only ourselves and our loved ones but also the people around us.

How To Afford Expensive Purchases

Image from customchannels

A few months back, my laptop is acting crazy. I know for a fact that it is nearing its end. I have been using it for years already and truth be told it has served me well. Repairing it would mean shelling a lot of cash and buying a new one would be viable. I know for sure that I would badly need a new one since my online job is dependent on this one and more so my teaching profession as a computer science instructor. Sure I can forego buying a new laptop if I would really want to be frugal like that. However, when my career is on the line and not to mention it is a need more than a want, I know buying would be deemed essential.

How to be a Kuripot Student

Image from peertransfer

It’s now the month of June and students are now headed back to school with the hopes of meeting new friends, seeing old faces, and even learning new things from their teachers. But what they usually don’t learn in school is how to be frugal.

Poor Pinoy Habits That Are Affecting Our Finances

Image from elixword

One time during our doctorate class we discuss about how habits affect our behaviour. Being a Filipino, there is this kind of habit within our system that we cannot deny that is indeed affecting our attitude. Even more this kind of habit is popular and inherent within us. True, there are “ugaling Pinoy” that we can be proud of however there are some that may be borderline bad most especially with regards to how we deal with money.